Thursday, December 5, 2013

Goodbye Lebanese home

I know, it's been a long time! Sorry about the silence from Lebanon. Morning sickness this time around has been pretty tough. Doing much of anything outside of taking care of the bare necessities of life has been just too overwhelming. Therefore, blogging has had to be put on hold.

It's hard to believe that 3 months has already gone by! Sadly our contract here in Lebanon has come to an end. We are working on some other options with ADRA, but will be taking our return flight back to the U.S to work out details. We've made some wonderful friends here, and will be sad to leave them behind! Thankfully facebook makes the distance not seem quite so far.

I did say I'd give you a walk through of our house here. I know, I should have done it way sooner, but better late then never! The only pictures I have are the ones from when we first moved in, so the house does not look lived in, but you'll just have to be happy with what I have!

These aren't good pictures of the kitchen. At this point we actually had not moved in yet so we were still putting things away and getting the apartment ready.

Here you can see my two sinks. One is city water, the other is the water from out of the reserve tank on the roof of the building. Also, the washing machine is in the kitchen which is kind of nice! The close dry out on the line in the sun, though now that it is raining so much I've had to move them inside to dry on a rack.

 Our cozy little living room/dining room.

Our room and the children's room. Furniture just delivered.

 Obviously the bathroom. My only complaint about the bathroom is the occasional sewage smell that comes up the drain! When it gets especially bad I can't even go in there or I'll throw up due to nausea and my increased sense of smell! Not fun!

The front porch and two small garden areas.

The burned out car is not the results of a bomb! It just caught on fire for no apparent reason one day. It will probably remain there till it rusts into the ground.

So there you have it. The place we've called home for the past 3 months. Lebanon is an amazing place, wonderful people, great food, beautiful scenery, truly a great experience. 

1 comment:

  1. We've been blessed for three months…even if you've been pretty miserable some of that time We'll miss you, but I'm hoping our paths will cross again.
