Thursday, December 12, 2013

13 things I've learned while living in Lebanon

Driving tips
1. When in traffic, don't go with the flow! That is just too boring. Get in there and force your way through or you'll never get anywhere!

2. Honk a lot!! If you find yourself stopped in traffic and you feel people should be moving, just honk! You never know, maybe someone fell asleep in their car and they need you to wake them up!  Or there has been an accident and people need to be made aware that they are holding things up!

3. Rev your engine and squeel your wheels whenever you can! People love to hear the power of your engine! The middle of the night is a great time to do this because all is quiet and more people can hear it.

4. While driving down the freeway don't let the white lines on the road stress you out! Those really are just suggestions. If it's more convenient to straddle two lanes, feel free to do so.

Social tips
5. Don't be jelouse of the man holding your husbands hand! This is only a sign of friendship with no strings attached. No really, it's ok!

6. There are no lines! If you can get to the front first you win! So get in and push your way through!

7. Expect to serve and be served tea or coffee after a meal. A very nice tradition more people in the world should adopt.

8. Parties should always be at max volume! The whole neighborhood should know you are having a good time!

9. Don't be shocked at all the littering. If you see pizza boxes with half eaten pizza flying out your neighbors apartment window this is normal. Everyone else does it, besides someone needs to feed the wild scavenger cats!

10. If you should be so lucky as to live over a grocery store or convenece shop and find yourself in need of something below, just lower a basket with your order and money and it will be taken care of! All without having to leave the comfort of your own home!

Safety tips
11. Relax while in Lebanon! Stop looking over your shoulder like a crockpot bomb is about to go off or a sniper riffle is trained on your forehead! For Americans, this only happens in the U.S! 

12. Don't go into Hezbollah areas unless you must! Even if you do, there isn't a big target on your back! You just don't want to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. You will know when you are in Hezbollah areas, there are checkpoints, flags, and signs everywhere. Don't ask me how I know that!

13. Don't be too surprised if people express fear in traveling to the U.S. due to all the shootings, robberies, and kidnappings! Never underestimate the power of the media to freak people out!

A piece of advice
Please, no matter your country of origin, respect the culture you find yourself living in! Just because they do things differently than your country, does not make them less civilized! Try to see life through their eyes and learn how to adapt to new ways. Most of the world would like to think that only Americans are ethnocentric and I admit that I have seen many Americans have such a view. I have, however, seen this attitude in more than just Americans, trust me! Stop judging the world around you through your own glasses. Take them off, and try on another pair! I promise you will enjoy the experience so much more!! And for heavens sake, if you aren't willing to learn their language, don't expect them to know yours!!!!    
I have found Lebanon to be a very warm and welcoming country. I am so thankful for the life enriching experience the last 3 months has been for me and my family. If I had it all to do over again, I still would have made the same decision to come to Lebanon. Of course you expect me to say that, but I really mean it! Every life experience is shaping and growing us into what we become in the future. So get on, and enjoy the ride!    

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